刚刚经历了一段失败感情的卡莉(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone 饰)决定换一个生活环境开始新的生活,于是,她入住了“碎片”大厦。果不其然,没过多久,卡莉就在此处结识了两个风流倜傥的男人杰克(汤姆·贝伦杰 Tom Berenger 饰)和泽克(威廉·鲍德温 William Baldwin 饰),通过这两个男人之口,卡莉发现了一个惊人的秘密,自己租住的房子的原房客系自杀身亡,而熟知此事的邻居也在不久之后于建筑内被害。
家庭离异的中年男人杜红军(范伟 饰)是一名看车人,年过不惑的他渴望重新拥有一个完整的家庭,于是和美丽的花店店主小宋(陈小艺 饰)好上了。小宋也是一个离了婚的女人,两人共同的愿望就是赶快组织一个新的家。杜红军的儿子因为思念母亲,一直反对杜红军再婚。但杜红军还是和小宋结了婚。就在一切准备妥当的时候,小宋的前夫刘三从监狱里出来了。刘三反悔了当初的离婚协议,于是一切开始变得不可收拾……©豆瓣
BBC One today announces that Sir David Attenborough is to present A Perfect Planet, a brand new five-part natural history super-landmark from Silverback Films.David Attenborough said Oceans, sunlight, weather and volcanoes - together these powerful yet fragile forces allow life to flourish in astonishing diversity. They make Earth truly unique - a perfect planet. Our planet is one in a billion, a world teeming with life. But now, a new dominant force is changing the face of Earth humans. To preserve our perfect planet we must ensure we become a force for good.Charlotte Moore, Director of Content, says BBC One continues to lead the way in natural history programming, and I’m thrilled that Sir David Attenborough will be our trusted guide to A Perfect Planet. It will be a breathtaking series celebrating the intricate systems that allow our planet to thrive, bringing together a unique perspective with groundbreaking camera technology.Nancy Daniels, Chief Brand Officer, Discovery, says We at Discovery are proud to be a part of A Perfect Planet. With Sir David Attenborough leading the journey, audiences will be in awe of our world and the perfect conditions that created it, and will be reminded what we need to do to preserve it.Planet Earth is perfect. It orbits at the perfect distance from the sun; it tilts at just the right angle and has a decent sized moon to hold it in place. On top of that, the day-to-day workings of the planet naturally serve to nurture animals and plants. For instance, a global weather system circulates and distributes fresh water to all corners, and a cycle of marine currents delivers nutrients to even the deepest reaches of the ocean. As a result, there is literally no corner of our planet where life can’t be found.A Perfect Planet - in a unique fusion of blue chip natural history and earth sciences - explains how the living planet operates. This five-part series will show how the forces of nature - weather, ocean currents, solar energy and volcanoes - drive, shape and support Earth’s great diversity of life. In doing so, it will reveal how animals are perfectly adapted to whatever the environment throws at them.From the white wolves of Ellesemere Island to bears in Kamchatka, vampire finches of the Galapagos to golden snub-nosed monkeys of China, the series will combine a global view of the planet from space with intimate animal stories from the most spectacular habitats. From the Indian Monsoon to Hawaiian volcanoes, tidal islands of the Bahamas to the extremes of the Arctic winter, A Perfect Planet will take the audience on a stunning visual journey that will change the way we see our home.The final episode in the series looks at the dramatic impact of the world’s newest global force of nature - humans.A Perfect Planet, a 5x60’ for BBC One, is a Silverback Films Production for BBC and Discovery, co-produced with Tencent Penguin Pictures, ZDF, China Media Group CCTV9, France Televisions and The Open University.The Executive Producer is Alastair Fothergill, and the Series Producer is Huw Cordey. It was commissioned by Charlotte Moore, Director of Content, and Jack Bootle, Head of Commissioning, Natural History and Science. It will tx on BBC One and Discovery later this year.
东京居酒屋家的女儿手冢晴(堀北真希 饰)正处在进入职场的关口,只是这个女孩对未来毫无头绪,求职路上她频频碰壁,心情低落。偶然的机缘,她参加了ANA航空公司的飞行员甄选。经过层层严苛选拔,小晴终于成为该...
一位非常辛苦的单亲妈妈(卡里斯·范·侯登 Carice van Houten 饰)和她的儿子杰克(恩杰伊·安东尼 Emjay Anthony 饰)过着相依为命的生活。然而,杰克身上发生的恐怖转变让本来...
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