Summer(郑秀文 饰)是一个事业型女性,可是她事业跟爱情都失意。她只好来到马来西亚的丹丹岛,那里有一个沙滩是她与表格合资买下来的,刚好传出有财团想收购这个岛,与财团商量卖岛的事之余她还可以度假散心。来到岛上才知道,表哥也因为欠债的问题把半个沙滩的卖给了一个叫么么茶(任贤齐 饰)的当地人。可是么么茶为了可以让喜欢这个沙滩的人继续享受欢乐,不同意把沙滩卖出。Summer只好软硬兼施,在不知不觉之间两人发生了微妙的关系,继而展开了一场浪漫爱情。©豆瓣
该片描写了京城普通人家老少三代由于关系不同、角度不同、生活观念不同,由此 而产生了一系列的矛盾纠葛,矛盾冲突。最终,他们在相互理解,相互宽容中共同筑起了爱的家园。
The film is a fairy-tale comedy about a workaholic man who enlists the help of a magical genie to help win his family back before Christmas.
It's the mid-nineteenth century. Adult siblings Felix Young and Eugenia Munster were born and raised in Europe and have a somewhat bohemian lifestyle reflective of their travels throughout Europe. Felix, who has little money, is interested in painting and the arts. Eugenia is a baroness by marriage. They decide to travel to New England to meet their maternal uncle and their three cousins, the Wentworths, for the first time, the Wentworths who live just outside of Boston. The Wentworths are highly puritanical, the uncle in particular who looks to a neighbor, Mr. Brand, to provide a moral compass to his three children, especially the shy Gertrude, who Mr. Brand wants to marry. The Wentworths are somewhat suspicious as to the reason for their relatives' visit, but nonetheless the uncle puts them up in a neighboring house on their property. While Felix enjoys the company of his cousins - especially Gertrude - Eugenia is a bit more standoffish and cognizant of the real reason for their trip to the United States. For Eugenia, another of their uncle's cousins, a Mr. Robert Acton, may just fit the bill related to her goal, which concerns her current marriage and financial security.
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