新婚之夜,清水的一方豪杰次郎长(中井贵一 饰)被迫告别妻子阿蝶(铃木京香 饰),与大政(岸部一徳 饰)、鬼吉、法印大五郎(笹野高史 饰)等一班好兄弟展开为期一年的流浪修行。几经辗转,次郎长一行回到家乡,他的名声反而更大,先后收下了石松(温水洋一 饰)和政五郎(北村一辉 饰)这样性格各异的好兄弟,还有许多人慕名投至麾下。但在辉煌之时,次郎长一种难免成为众矢之的。黑驹新兴势力胜藏(佐藤浩市 饰)野心勃勃,宿敌三马政(竹内力 饰)又卷土重来,更有内部叛徒兴风作浪,次郎长及其好友们面临巨大的考验…… 本片根据村上元三的原作改编。
一夜成名的年轻编剧殷雅俐瑛(张瑞希 饰),化身为“复仇女神”暗暗向生父报复。原来,多年前她的生父为了演员沈秀贞(韩惠淑 饰),抛弃了怀孕的妻子以及年幼的雅俐瑛,并且另外组建了家庭。雅俐瑛的生活变得举步维艰,弟弟得自闭症而死,妈妈因此长期流泪而失明。当雅俐瑛懂事之后,她了解了父亲的背叛,知道父亲再婚并过得很幸福,于是她暗下决心向父亲报仇。当她成为名编剧之后,故意为难作为演员的沈秀珍,并且有意接近及诱惑同父异母的妹妹殷芮莹(禹喜珍 饰)的未婚夫朱旺(金成泽 饰)。当复仇得到成功之后,芮莹承受不住朱旺的背叛而发疯,雅俐瑛不忍心妹妹继续受伤,挥泪与朱旺一刀两断,她却发现自己深深爱上了朱旺。 随着真相大白,芮莹也痊愈了,一切仇恨得到化解,雅俐瑛和朱旺终成眷属。但婚后即将等待她的,除了不喜欢她的婆婆和朱旺的奶奶,还有过去的复仇经历,给婚姻和爱情蒙上的一层阴影……...
Stephen Arrowsmith (Paul Muller), a scientist experimenting with the possibility of regenerating blood through electricity has his home and laboratory in the castle owned by his wife Muriel (Barbara Steele). Arrowsmith finds her later having sex with a gardener and disfigures him with a hot poker and burns Muriel's face with acid before electrocuting both of them. Arrowsmith hides their hearts in an urn and then uses their blood to rejuvenate the aged servant Solange (Helga Liné). Later, Arrowsmith realizes that he is not Muriel's heir, but that the estate has been willed to her sister Jenny (Barbara Steele). Jenny is mentally unstable, and Arrowsmith marries her, later planning to have Solange drive her to the brink of sanity. Jenny begins having nightmares which include the sound of beating hearts and Muriel's voice urging her to murder Stephen. Arrowsmith brings Jenny to the doctor Derek Joyce (Marino Masé) who is convinced that supernatural forces are at work. Arrowsmith later tries to give Solange another blood transfusion, the doctor then discovers the hidden hearts of Muriel and the gardener. The two return as ghosts with Muriel burning Stephen alive while David reduces Solange to a skeleton by sucking her blood. The doctor and Jenny leave the castle and consign the two found hearts to a fire.
七十岁的老太太沈梦君(归亚蕾 饰)年纪越大,脾气越大,渐渐的,除了管家李大海(王德顺 饰)还愿意留在她的身边,没有一个人愿意与她共处。在儿媳妇杨琴(李宜娟 饰)因压力过大而生病入院后,沈梦君终于被家人...
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