In the midst of time es the clanging of steel against steel, a collision of myth and history.... "Vikingdom". Based on Viking legends and the epic poems they left as record, "Vikingdom" is a fantasy, action adventure about a forgotten king, Eirick, who was tasked with the impossible odds to defeat Thor, the God of Thunder. Thor is on a mission to gather the key ancient relics - "Mjolnir" - his hammer from Valhalla, "Necklace of Mary Magdalene" from Mitgard and the "Horn" from Helheim. This needs to be acplished before the Blood Eclipse, which happens once every 800 years, failing which, the pagan Viking Gods will never be able to rule and conquer mankind ever again. Only one man can stop him... Eirick, the undead.
Lahela "Doogie" Kamealoha, a mixed-race 16-year-old girl in modern-day Hawai'i, juggles a budding medical career with life as a teenager. Guiding Lahela (and also complicating things) is her family, including her spitfire Irish mother, who's also her supervisor at the hospital; and her Hawaiian "Local Boy" father, who is struggling to accept that his daughter is no longer his l...
In the aftermath of a violent assault, a couple decides to leave everything and start over in another country, but their past won’t let them go. Masculinity, sex and violence pervade in this modern psychological thriller.
乔西(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)与丈夫分居后,带着两个孩子回到明尼苏达老家,为了生计,决定不顾父亲反对去当地矿上工作。入职后乔西才明白为什么家里人对她的决定如此反对——矿上工作的女人每日要承受男职工们大量的性侮辱、性骚扰,就算忍气吞声,也要被男矿 工的妻子们当成婊子,甚至在公共场合受到辱骂。不堪忍受这一切都乔西决定出头把矿业公司告上法庭。这个念头让乔西受到前所未有压力,在公司里得到的羞辱变本加厉,还连累其他女员工,令她们都和她反目;在家里,从外面承受人言的孩子们也开始怀疑母亲的清白。乔西扛住这一切,只为让男人们知道不尊重女性的应有下场…… 本片根据1988年发生的真实事件改编,是美国历史上第一桩起诉成功的性骚扰官司。
1975年的美国费城,经济凋敝,NFL(美式橄榄球联盟)中的费城老鹰队亦缺乏斗志,连尝败绩,频遭看台上费城球迷的嘘声,但这并不妨碍文斯·帕培尔(Mark Wahlberg 饰)和一班老朋友享受橄榄球运动带来的乐趣,尽管他本人的生活也颇不得意——最近几年一直处于半失业状态,妻子新近离他而去,只能靠在酒吧打工维生。 老鹰队为扭转颓势请来了新教练莫克(Greg Kinnear 饰),莫克提出在全费城选拔新球员,已经30岁的文斯不再对生活报不切实际的幻想,然而还是经不住朋友们尤其酒吧老板表妹珍妮(Elizabeth Banks 饰)的鼓励参加了海选并成为唯一入选的预备队员。 训练生活异常艰苦,同这些四肢发达的球员们合作需要坚定的信念,文斯的自我怀疑被朋友们一次次打消,他最终要为这座城市、他自己,找回生活的尊严与希望。
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