1988年7月16日,从汉城始发的列车发生了一起严重的交通事故,造成100多人死亡。但是谁也不知道真正的事故原因,也不知道肇事者,这个事件成为一个未解开的谜。16年后的今天是这趟列车最后一次运行,在一个暴风雨的夜晚,列车出发了。 10分钟的急刹车,以及接连发生的莫名其妙的事情了……
This drama is set in a south Florida plastic surgery center, McNamara-Troy, centering around the two doctors who own it. Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) is having problems at home, trying to keep his family together, trying to patch up the rocky road him and his wife Julia (Joely Richardson) are experiencing. On the other hand, sex-craved Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) uses his charm to bring in potential female candidates and conducts shady business deals, often for the love of money. While Sean takes his job seriously, he often has to fix Christian’s mistakes. During the first season, Sean and Christian got mixed up with Escobar Gallardo, a Colombian drug lord who forced the two to do free surgery whenever he wanted them to. Sean’s marriage with Julia began to wear thin, and Sean had an affair with a patient named Megan O’Hara. Julia went back to school, but it was interrupted by a miscarriage of a child Sean and Julia were trying to have. Christian learned he is the father of a baby with a woman named Gina, who he met at Sexaholics Anonymous. When the baby was born, we learn that the baby is African-American, and therefore not his. Julia questions Matt’s paternity.
费城一个毫无征兆的宁静早晨,前联合国调查员盖瑞·雷恩(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)驾车载着妻子凯伦(米瑞·伊诺丝 Mireille Enos 饰)和两个女儿蕾切尔(Abigail Hargrove 饰)、康妮(Sterling Jerins 饰)外出。谁知原本快乐的气氛很快变为恐慌与死亡所替代,连环的爆炸,惊恐逃散的人群,无序的车祸以及啃咬他人的丧尸,繁华大都会转瞬沦陷。盖瑞费尽九牛二虎之力带着妻女逃生,最终逃到联合国副秘书长所在的航母上,进而得知包括美国总统在内的数名大国首脑均已死亡,丧尸病毒业已蔓延全球。为了阻止世界毁灭,格里无奈受命,和来自哈佛的病毒学博士法斯巴克(Elyes Gabel 饰)前往病毒的源头之地寻找解除危机的办法。
小静原本是一名模特领队,但因为与原公司“亚比模特公司”工作理念不一致,被驱逐出公司。 正当小静失落之时,刚好收到朋友李哥的邀请,女模特小静跨界成为网络主播,带动当地农副产品的助销,并间接推动了当地经济的增长, 此时,小静的前公司“亚比模特”也想借此分一杯羹,将旗下模特艺人打造成优质主播,而小静便是他们最大的威胁。于是“亚比公司”的老板威廉,利用各种手段恶意打压“安喜文化传媒”。 小静为了挽回团队的声誉,正面接受“亚比公司”的直播挑战,最终成长为一名正面积极、健康向上的优质主播。
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