盛唐某年,两个盗贼来到位于荒山野岭之间的苦竹林。他们分别是善于射弈的薛十三(胡军 饰)和鲁莽开朗的陈六(姜武 饰)。二人于村民马七家落脚,与此同时三名官兵亦来到村中。官兵之一对马七的女儿罗娘(王晓 饰)欲行不轨,薛陈二人出手相助,杀死官兵两人。村中里正(李立群 饰)谨遵大唐律法,反将二人捉拿准备见官。次日,一队官兵前来捉拿盗贼,对村民大加挞伐。原本趁夜逃走被抓回的薛陈狂性大发,再次杀尽做恶官兵。 在村中盘桓期间,薛十三和女屠户鹦哥(于小磊 饰)一朝云雨;陈六则迷上罗娘,情愿过回田园生活。然而他们毕竟是沾满鲜血的盗贼,且里正仍旧一门心思依靠官府除掉他们……
本片的金毛狮王与金庸《倚天屠龙记》小说人物无关,导演为何梦华,编剧是江阳。故事描述,侠盗金毛狮戴逍遥(赵雄),武功高强,为血衣帮主汪劲草(王侠)所忌,一夜戴雨夜归家途上,遭汪率徒众突袭,胸部中五毒神砂掌,只好突围逃亡;戴原已患恶疾,现又告受 伤,幸遇太湖七狮,送往神医吕伯景(房勉)处救治;吕决定与儿子文业(南宫勋)、女儿文芳(李菁),携戴赴回魂谷采七叶青莲治恶疾,惟期间遭汪追杀,险象横生……
在朝鮮時代 ,很多人要與素未謀面的人結婚並相伴一生。基於這種原因,有時結婚對像被掉包都可能無從知曉。而如果掉包對像是男人!橫衝直撞的新婚生活輕喜劇,一對壁人成為父母政治婚姻的犧牲品,婚禮上才發現新娘是男人?卻在慢慢接觸中對彼此產生了微妙的依戀…
一直想寻根的超人(Brandon Routh饰)返回了氪星,希望可以找到其他同伴,但那里的一切早已不复存在。而这一去便是5年。
When the eldest grandson of Mr. Kang (Choi Seong-ho), a prominent local figure in the village of Suri in Hwanghae-do, becomes afflicted with a mysterious, life-threatening illness, the entire household is plunged in anxiety. The imminent death of the direct heir to the family name is a serious matter indeed, since the Kangs have a history of seeing their sons die young a fact that has resulted in a household teaming with widows. The family matriarch (Hwang Jung-seun) calls in the most famous shamans and has them perform healing rituals, but the illness shows no sign of improving. The family steward recommends that they bring in Ok-hwa (Yoo Ji-in), who is renowned for her extraordinary spiritual powers. While she is performing the ritual, a large snake drops down from the eaves of the house and causes a commotion. Amazingly, the incident brings about a dramatic improvement in the condition of Mr. Kang's grandson. The household buzzes with glad excitement, with everyone clinging to Ok-hwa and asking her to cure the disease outright. But Ok-hwa searches all around as if possessed by a spirit and discovers a sinister-looking gourd bottle buried deep in the ground in the pine forest. This bottle hides a bloody secret. Some twenty years ago, there was, in the Kang family, a young widow by the name of Lee (Kim Yun-kyeong). Bound by strict moral codes, Lee was living a lonely life of enforced celibacy. She had taken to stabbing her thigh with a small silver knife every night in order to suppress her frustrated desires, but the wound became infected and she came on the verge of death. According to family tradition, the Kangs removed Lee to an isolated hut (called pi-makin Korean), and left her there to await her own death. The family matriarch, wishing to grant her daughter-in-law one final wish, arranged for her to spend a night with the hut keeper, Sam-dol (Nam Koong-won). Through Sam-dol's devoted care, Lee miraculously recovered and the two developed deep feelings for each other. The matriarch welcomed her daughter-in-law's recovery at first, but became enraged when she found out about Lee's adulterous relationship with Sam-dol. As punishment, the Kang family secretly murdered both Sam-dol and Lee. Ok-hwa, who is in fact Sam-dol's daughter, was merely pretending to be a shaman in order to exact revenge for her father. Possessed by a real spirit, she attempts to kill Mr. Kang inside the hut but lets him go unscathed. She enters the hut, sets it on fire, and dies in the flames.
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