魔王赤松健老师麾下名作《魔法先生》即将再次动画化的消息最早是在2月公布的,按照当时的计划将连续推出“春”“夏”两个篇章的OVA,既两季发行DVD 各一卷。不过时间忽忽悠悠的磨到了6月,还不见新作有什么实质性的动静。好在日前官方终于重新“打破沉默”,公布了《魔法先生:OVA春》的专属网站,并最终确定该DVD将在8月17日正式发售,此时距离传统意义上“春”这个概念已经有3、4个月之遥。此外,OVA“夏篇”尚未有定论,按照此进度的话恐怕最早会在秋天面世。新开放的官网公布的资料虽然不多,但相当实用。8月17日发售的DVD实际上将作为同期发售的《魔法先生》漫画第18卷的限定捆绑特典。撇开正片部分, DVD附带映像特典包括,常规的5分钟CM,一段WEB广播剧,以及动画的OP。据说这次的OP创意将是2-A的“后宫团”从喷气机上跳伞登场?!好家伙,再次由衷的佩服一下新房昭之监督。
Synopsis Falsely accused as the murderer of my own husband... Oh, the cruel machinations of fate! A female teacher (Lee Yong-ae) gives shelter to an escaped convict, but her husband, misconstruing her intentions, reacts violently and accidentally stabs himself to death in the process. The teacher is charged with her husband's murder, but fortunately the prosecutor on the case is a former student of hers, of whom she had taken painstaking care when she was working at an elementary school. Remembering her kindness to him, the prosecutor uncovers her innocence in court, and she is acquitted of the crime. Notes A silent movie that allows us to examine the narrator-accompanied method of 16mm films (Chung Jong-wha) A Public Prosecutor and a Teacher is familiar to us for the performance of Shin Chool, Korea's last silent movie narrator (known as byeonsain Korean). Numerous critics have recommended the film, praising it as a silent movie that allows us to examine the narrator-accompanied method of 16mm films (Chung Jong-wha), the work of Korea's last silent movie narrator (Kim Hong-joon), a movie that reflects the public's consciousness and has great historical value (Lee Seung-hun), and the archetypal new-school film (Chung Sung-il). As evidenced by such commentary, A Public Prosecutor and a Teacherenjoys greater recognition for its historical value as the only surviving silent movie in Korea than for its artistic or technical aspects. What is ironic is the fact that this recognition derivesfrom a production and screening method that fell behind the times, as sound films (or talkies) had already become the norm when the movie was first made. Its inclusion in the list is therefore based on its historical, social context rather than on the film itself. Afterword - Narrated by Shin Chool, who is known as Korea's last silent film narrator, A Public Prosecutor and a Teacherhas been screened at several film festivals since the latter half of the 1990s.
影片根据真实事件改编,2009年1月15日,萨利(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)在全美航空1549号班担任机长,飞机起飞两分钟后遭到飞鸟攻击,两架发动机全部熄火,萨利决定在哈德逊河上迫降,155人全数生还。但之后的调查显示他做了错误的抉择,认为大可选择返回拉瓜地亚机场。机内到底发生了什么呢?
故事描述一个爱尔兰女人(Sharon Horgan)与一个美国男人(Rob Delaney)在英国伦敦相遇并相爱,但对文化差异巨大的两人来说,在一起生活并非易事。
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