Claudia and Maria, roam the streets of the city of Guatemala. Claudia works at a call center and is uninterested in the world around her. She lives with her activist grandfather, who tries to persuade her to join his cause. Maria unlike Claudia, is more spontaneous and lives with her mother in the outskirts of the city. The chaotic streets are filled with common stories of abuse, unforgiving police officers, and charming secret corners. Everything changes one night when they are attacked by three men. Although they manage to escape, Claudia is faced with the dilemma of choosing revenge or listening to her grandfather’s advice.
19世纪末20世纪初,清王朝三百年江山气数将近,内忧外患,时局动荡,正是乱世之际,英雄辈出,中华民族面临着重大的历史变革。以孙中山(赵文瑄 饰)为首的仁人志士意识到只有民主共和才能救中国,他们组成一个个革命政党,旨在推翻满清政府,建立人民当家作主的民主国家。
在人与动物和谐共处的街道“动物镇(アニマルタウン)”,最喜欢动物的彩羽(いろは)和她的宠物狗小麦(こむぎ)是要好的朋友! 某天,谜之生物焦躁怪(ガルガル)在街上大暴走!但是,小麦为了保护彩羽变成了人的模样,变身成了Precure...!? 必须要帮助内心焦躁的孩子!齐心协力将动物们送回微笑花园(ニコガーデン)吧! 没关系,让我听听你的声音吧!
From the hit series "Daria" comes her first movie, "Is It Fall Yet?", immediately following season 4 of the show. The movie follows Daria and the students of Lawndale High over their summer vacation. Kevin and Brittany become lifeguards, while Quinn and the Fashion Club all get a tutor, David, who Quinn (surprising even herself) has her eyes on. Mack drives an ice cream truck while Jodie is swamped with volunteer work. Daria and Jane have had a fight over Tom, Daria's boyfriend and Jane's ex, causing them to go separate ways for the summer. Jane goes off to an artists' colony where she meets a fellow artist Alison and big-headed instructor Daniel, self-proclaimed genius. Meanwhile Helen volunteers Daria's service at Mr. O'Neill's summer day camp, the It's OK To Cry Corral, with only hoping-to-be-enlightened Mr. DeMartino for company. There, Daria tries to reach out to troubled Link, a 12-year-old version of herself, all while battling self-doubt and slight resentment towards Tom and his wealthy elitest family. It's going to be a long summer... Written by Adam Spradlin {}
François Gérane alterne internements et incarcérations, entrecoupés de quelques escapades furtives. ...
尼克(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)在公司苦熬八年,起早贪黑卖命工作,老板戴夫(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)明明许诺他升职,却临时反悔还狠狠奚落了他一番;戴尔(查理·戴 Charlie Day 饰)是个牙医助手,早就对上司朱莉娅(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)放肆的性骚扰忍无可忍;科特(杰森·苏戴奇斯 Jason Sudeikis 饰)本被视为公司接班人,哪想老板突然暴毙,其子鲍比(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)擅自接手公司,得意洋洋发挥自己的二世祖精神,眼看就要把公司搞垮。三个在恶老板手下受挫的老友在酒吧聚头,突发奇想决定集体干掉老板,且三人分别避开自己老板出手,就能逃开嫌疑,成就完美谋杀。经过精心策划,三位老友各出奇招,一场笑料百出的“杀掉老板”计划就此展开……
银行少东金崇基爱上厂家程砚秋之女儿丽珠,但丽珠却与年轻音乐家谭子华相恋,二人且暗订婚盟.程砚秋资金周转不灵,向崇基父借款,并答应把女儿嫁予崇基.丽珠极力反对婚事,但见到父亲跪地乞求,只好含泪应允,子华责丽珠忘情负义.婚礼之日子华托好朋友包天放送上琴谱作贺礼,自己便去了澳门教书.在澳门子华认识了貌似丽珠的学生李绮云,二人互相欣赏,结为夫妇.崇基见丽珠收藏子华乐谱,又把钻石戒指变卖来暗助子华的音乐事业,不禁妒火中烧,竟日在外流连,不肯返家.丽珠日夜担心,健康日坏.子华成名,携妻子回香港开演奏会,见丽珠前去捧场,竟当众把她侮辱.天放看不过眼,把丽珠苦衷和盘托出.绮云知悉事情始末,与子华大吵,更往警告丽珠不要拆散她的家庭.子华向丽珠道歉及重表爱意,丽珠请他继续爱绮云;崇基亦后悔自己错怪丽珠,在病塌前向她道歉.丽珠含笑而逝. 年代 : 时装 年份 : 1965...
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