悲惨的童年经历给姚不同(陈昊 饰)的内心笼罩上了挥之不去的阴影,因为这阴影,即便已经长大成人,姚不同依旧无法自然的面对异性,他的感情生活也因此至今仍旧一片空白。一次偶然中,姚不同与名叫欣小然(周知 饰)的女孩擦肩而过,就是这匆匆的一眼,令姚不同坠入了情网。 卡小柔(徐洁儿 饰)希望能够将姚不同的经历拍成电影,这令姚不同获得了向欣小然表露心迹的机会。姚不同的温柔和体贴令欣小然为之动容,两人就这样走到了一起。然而,让姚不同感到震惊的是,欣小然竟然和他的童年阴影有着千丝万缕的关联,与此同时,欣小然亦因为家庭的变故,而产生了同姚不同分手的念头。
Iqbal and Sille are best friends and have always lived next door to each other. Their street must undergo urban regeneration and Easelman and The Swine will unluckily be in charge of the project. For the construction project is in fact a cover to get their hands on the oil they have discovered beneath Blågårdsgade. Iqbal and Sille must now fight against the villains and get the money to buy back their building, so they don't have to move away from each other. When Iqbal discovers a chip with magic energy, the kids manage to convince Easelman and The Swine to buy the chip so they can reclaim their building. But the villains deceive the children, and now Iqbal, Sille and the grown-ups in Blågårdsgade must put in every effort to retrieve the chip and expose the villains' secret plan.
患有躁郁症的阿东(余文乐 饰)因为当年误杀饱受痛症折磨的妈妈(金燕玲 饰)被判入住青山医院,康复出院后住在当陆港司机的爸爸黄大海(曾志伟 饰)的板间房里。黄大海试图关心儿子,但阿东却并不领情,原来阿东一直对爸爸当年抛弃家庭的事耿耿于怀。阿东重投社会,却遭到身边的朋友歧视,唯然他尝试平复自己,同时阿东也想尽方法希望找回当天谈到近乎订婚的Jenny(方皓玟 饰),没想到当找到Jenny时,却有着另一番滋味。
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