霍元甲(李连杰 饰)年少时以稚嫩的霍家拳打败向他挑衅的小恶霸后习武信心大增,凭着对武术的悟性及热情,他的武艺根基日益深厚,成为天津赫赫有名的武师,可是其性情也渐变得浮躁傲慢,越来越好勇斗狠。得知徒弟被天津另一高手秦爷重创后,霍元甲不问原由闯入秦爷的寿宴,威逼其当场签生死状 与他比武,虽然最后他取得了胜利,但却因此赔上了他一生最爱的母亲及女儿的性命。大错铸成后,痛不欲生的霍元甲神志昏乱远走他方。后得某偏远村落的村民孙婆婆及其失明孙女月慈(孙俪 饰)的悉心照料,霍元甲复原了精神气,并开始领悟武学的真谛。
At Christine's funeral, her foster son suddenly shows up, a grown-up man with whom the family has been out of contact for quite some time. He brought a letter, stating that Christine wants to be buried in Wentelen, to the bewilderment of her biological children, and even more so to that of her husband. In addition to that, all the relatives are surprised that the foster son of Christine apparently maintained a correspondence with Christine. Nevertheless, Christine's last wish is respected, and they decided to bury her in Wentelen, and wish to do so traditionally, meaning: walking behind the hearse. During a walk of several days, all the relatives (foster sisters, foster father, alleged friends and real ones, the foster son, lovers) have enough time to get to know each other better. Because in the end they have no other conclusion than that nobody really knew anyone. Old intrigues are dug up, the foster sisters finally learn why the foster brother just disappeared from the family, and they can begin to develop a real image of the mother. Once Christine's final resting place is reached and she is buried, all family ties, good and bad, are shaken around.
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