很多人知道巴塔耶(Georges Bataille, 1897-1962)是怪才。在热闹的巴黎文化圈,他的路数独特,有别於战后当时强势的存在主义,為傅柯、德希达等下一代指出新路。他比前卫更前卫,颠覆主体性,追求极致经验,不断寻找超越界限的缝隙:搞神圣人类学(差点演出活人祭祀)、参与超现实主义运动(但跟布贺东决裂)、自创「普遍经济」理论(超克「柜乏、累积」的经济思想)、开出尼采新读法(脱离黑格尔体系)、建构异质文化史、也创作争议性的情色「极限文本」。 《眼睛的故事》(Histoire de l rsquo;oeil, 1928)是其中最早、最有名的,生田耕作日译為《眼球谭》。情节大胆,讲十六岁男女主角的激情与逸轨。叙述者说:「我只喜欢那些被归类為骯脏的」,超越放荡,欢庆荡尽与过剩。前半段,故事包括在彼此身上撒尿、在死人身旁交欢等等露骨描写。后半段,离开滨海家乡,到西班牙之后,爱与死的交缠更强化,在暴力的斗牛场展现。 女主角席梦娜享受用屁股把蛋压碎的刺激,迷恋被屠斗牛的睪丸,她让「蛋」(oeuf)和「眼」(oeil)的声音意义互相流转。而西方思想裡,眼睛作為理性之光的隐喻,也被彻底颠覆。最后,席梦娜引诱、强暴、并和同伴一起勒死年轻神父,甚至挖出死者的眼睛来爱抚身体,还放进g门和阴部,為巴塔耶著名的「太阳g门」理论,做了最激烈的註脚。 《眼睛的故事》故事简短,意象却极强烈。它的x愛描述,不见得能挑起情欲,反而会令人不安,因為「g门裡的眼睛」移动符号象徵的位置,挑战文明接受的极限,质疑意义的可能性。
爱丽丝(米拉•乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)被保护伞公司实验室复制,成了伊萨克博士(伊恩•格雷 Iain Glen 饰)的研究标本。因为她体内的DNA可以对抗T-病毒,所以博士以此来提升僵尸的杀伤力。爱丽丝接到了人类的求救信号,但却中了奸计,几经拼杀,方才自救。她如释重负,然而在睡梦中,她却强烈地感受体内强大力量的召唤,显然保护伞公司实验室对她做了手脚。而且,伊萨克博士还给僵尸注入了人类血液,激活其人类的心智。僵尸变得更强大,根本无法被控制,他们残忍地杀害了实验室助手,被训练对付爱丽丝。3年后,地球成了不毛之地。内华达州的幸存者结成了同盟,爱丽丝也在其中,但是她不敢表露身份,因为实验室给了她超能力,同时也让她被迫做了间谍。爱丽丝被孤立,只有卡洛斯懂得她的苦衷,二人也因此陷入了暧昧之中……
1923年,日本秋田县大馆市天降大雪,近藤家纯种秋田犬产仔,赠与县土木科长间濑。后者将其中一犬转赠东京帝国大学教授上野秀次郎(仲代达矢 Tatsuya Nakadai 饰)驯养。上野的独生女千鹤子对此...
《Cloud Atlas》是大卫.米切尔的第三部小说。这本书由六段故事构成,从1840年一位美国人从悉尼旅行到旧金山的日记、二十世纪三十年代初居住在比利时的年轻作曲家、1975年卷入加利福尼亚灾难的年轻记者、当今伦敦出版回忆录的黑道、1984年韩国发生的故事与一个老人叙 述当时在夏威夷的青春自语为终结。 《Cloud Atlas》入围2004年布克奖(Man Booker Prize)
My Name is Simon,Simon Templar The Saint was a long-running ITC mystery spy thriller, airing in Britain on ITV between 1962 and 1969. It centered on the Leslie Charteris literary character, Simon Templar—a Robin Hood-like adventurer with a penchant for disguise. Because of the strong American performance of the initial black-and-white seasons in first-run syndication, NBC picked up the show as a summer replacement on its evening schedule in 1966. Thus, the programme ended its run with both trans-Atlantic prime time scheduling and colour episodes. It also proved popular beyond America and Britain, eventually premiering in over 60 countries. With almost 120 episodes, the programme is exceeded only by The Avengers as the most productive show of its genre produced in Britain. SEASON 1 (1962) B/W # 1- 1 The Talented Husband # 1- 2 The Latin Touch # 1- 3 The Careful Terrorist # 1- 4 The Covetous Headsman # 1- 5 The Loaded Tourist # 1- 6 The Pearls of Peace # 1- 7 The Arrow of God # 1- 8 The Element of Doubt # 1- 9 The Effete Angler # 1-10 The Golden Journey # 1-11 The Man Who Was Lucky # 1-12 The Charitable Countess . SEASON 2 (1963) B/W # 2- 1 The Fellow Traveller # 2- 2 Starring the Saint # 2- 3 Judith # 2- 4 Teresa # 2- 5 The Elusive Ellshaw # 2- 6 Marcia # 2- 7 The Work of Art # 2- 8 Iris # 2- 9 The King of the Beggars # 2-10 The Rough Diamonds # 2-11 The Saint Plays With Fire # 2-12 The Well Meaning Mayor # 2-13 The Sporting Chance # 2-14 The Bunco Artists # 2-15 The Benevolent Burglary # 2-16 The Wonderful War # 2-17 The Noble Sportsman # 2-18 The Romantic Matron # 2-19 Luella # 2-20 The Lawless Lady # 2-21 The Good Medicine # 2-22 The Invisible Millionaire # 2-23 The High Fence # 2-24 Sophia # 2-25 The Gentle Ladies # 2-26 The Ever-Loving Spouse # 2-27 The Saint Sees it through . SEASON 3 (1964) B/W # 3- 1 The Miracle Tea Party # 3- 2 Lida # 3- 3 Jeannine # 3- 4 The Scorpion # 3- 5 The Revolution Racket # 3- 6 The Saint Steps In # 3- 7 The Loving Brothers # 3- 8 The Man Who Liked Toys # 3- 9 The Death Penalty # 3-10 The Imprudent Politician # 3-11 The Hi-Jackers # 3-12 The Unkind Philanthropist # 3-13 The Damsel in Distress # 3-14 The Contract # 3-15 The Set-Up # 3-16 The Rhine Maiden # 3-17 The Inescapable Word # 3-18 The Sign of the Claw # 3-19 The Golden Frog # 3-20 The Frightened Inn-Keeper # 3-21 Sibao # 3-22 The Crime of the Century # 3-23 The Happy Suicide . SEASON 4 (1965) B/W # 4- 1 The Checkered Flag # 4- 2 The Abductors # 4- 3 The Crooked Ring # 4- 4 The Smart Detective # 4- 5 The Persistent Parasites # 4- 6 The Man Who Could Not Die # 4- 7 The Saint Bids Diamonds # 4- 8 The Spanish Cow # 4- 9 The Old Treasure Story . SEASON 5 (1966) colour # 5- 1 The Queen's Ransom # 5- 2 Interlude in Venice # 5- 3 The Russian Prisoner # 5- 4 The Reluctant Revolution # 5- 5 The Helpful Pirate # 5- 6 The Convenient Monster # 5- 7 The Angel's Eye # 5- 8 The Man Who Liked Lions # 5- 9 The Better Mousetrap # 5-10 Little Girl Lost # 5-11 Paper Chase # 5-12 Locate and Destroy # 5-13 Flight Plan # 5-14 Escape Route # 5-15 The Persistent Patriots # 5-16 The Fast Women # 5-17 The Death Game # 5-18 The Art Collectors # 5-19 To Kill a Saint # 5-20 The Counterfeit Countess # 5-21 Simon and Delilah # 5-22 Island of Chance # 5-23 The Gadget Lovers # 5-24 A Double in Diamonds # 5-25 The Power Artists # 5-26 When Spring is Sprung . SEASON 6 (1968) colour # 6- 1 The Gadic Collection # 6- 2 The Best Laid Schemes # 6- 3 Invitation to Danger # 6- 4 Legacy for the Saint # 6- 5 The Desperate Diplomat # 6- 6 The Organisation Man # 6- 7 The Double Take # 6- 8 The Time to Die # 6- 9 The Master Plan # 6-10 The House on Dragon's Rock # 6-11 The Scales of Justice # 6-12 The Fiction Makers (1) # 6-13 The Fiction Makers (2) # 6-14 The People Importers # 6-15 Where the Money Is # 6-16 Vendetta for the Saint (1) # 6-17 Vendetta for the Saint (2) # 6-18 The Ex-King of Diamonds # 6-19 The Man Who Gambled with Life # 6-20 Portrait of Brenda # 6-21 The World Beater
香港有一间警局,三十年前曾是日军侵略香港时的军营。因为战败,日本军官在里面切腹自杀了。据说他们的阴魂不散,魂魄依然逗留在这所警局当中,并会在孟兰节当天出没。金麦基(张学友 饰)与孟超(许冠英 饰)都在这所警局里面当警察,但他们一直不相信警局里面的恐怖传说。直到在孟兰节当天他们亲眼目睹了逃犯蛇仔明(楼南光 饰)遇到太阳化作了灰土,原来蛇仔明在监狱内看到了日军的鬼魂,被咬后变成了僵尸,他们才相信警局内的确有阴魂。
A village in Ukraine, near the Russian border. The only thing that slightly disturbs the peace there is the occasional death of an elderly person. That is also why Anatoly returns there: to take care of his dying mother.
Amateur crypto-zoologists Nigel and Oscar want nothing more than to capture definitive evidence of a Sasquatch. When their guide bails on them, they must resort to using a mis-matched group of outdoor enthusiasts. Meanwhile, their rival Claus, also on the hunt for the 'Squatch,' races to beat them to the prize in this coming of age comedy about brotherhood.
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