边境风云诡谲隐祸端,异心守将蠢蠢欲动阴谋分裂反叛!经疏勒城一役,耿恭(谢苗 饰)受命携十三将巡边西域,途径蒙城附近遭匪寇劫杀,多名兄弟惨死。蒙城主将江城伍(籍翀 饰)生叛心暗通外藩,视耿恭为眼中钉,耿恭等人陷入瓮中之鳖困境,更有与永远之爱人范柔神似的江城伍之妹江月(陈梦希 饰)以美人计搅其心神,耿恭能否抵住诱惑?一句“分裂国土者,有多少、灭多少”明其忠勇之志,但又能否凭六人之力阻止蒙城之乱,斩杀叛逆之贼?
急需改善窘迫生活的新手设计师顾兮兮(王玉雯饰),阴差阳错遇见了帅气总裁尹司宸(王子奇饰),她还受到了设计界大佬ALEX的青睐,而尹司宸为了赢得ALEX的“Marry Me”婚纱品牌亚洲代理权,只能暂时与顾兮兮约定签订三个月的契约,假扮为夫妻。万万没想到,同住屋檐下互嫌互怼的两人竟渐生情愫,彼此间发生了很多甜蜜趣事
影片讲述德川时期发生的两个残酷故事: 牛裂篇:长崎当地官员高坂主膳(汐路章 饰)残暴成性,发明各种酷刑迫害基督教徒。在官府奉职的佐佐木伊织(风户佑介 饰)与女孩登世(内村レナ 饰)相爱,然登世一家为基督徒,不久也被抓进官府。登世父母不堪折磨,相继惨死,妹妹亦被烫瞎双眼。得知内情的高坂有意在伊织面前侮辱登世,并将其霸占,令二人痛苦不已。一年后,沦为浪人的伊织带登世逃跑,途中伊织被高坂杀害,登世则因通奸罪遭受了残酷的牛裂之刑。 锯刑篇:贪图享乐的舍藏(川谷拓三 饰)逛青楼无钱付帐,被逼做工偿还,期间目睹了妓女们所遭受的种种折磨。舍藏无法继续忍受,偕相好的妓女大里(橘麻纪 饰)逃亡,靠;仙人跳 为生,中间闹出不少笑话。后二人被官府捉拿,遭受一系列痛苦刑法
本片讲述了两个千差万别却同样迷茫的年轻音乐人,一个是多年打拼,事业毫无起色,又屡遭生活暴击的和声歌手珊妮,一个是身患重病,隐姓埋名等待死亡降临的前摇滚乐手董东,对生命感到绝望的二人在自我了断时相遇......自杀计划流产,他们的生活也因彼此的出现发生改变。 另外一个时空的故事,从珊妮意外发现的一本1970年代的日记中铺陈开来,一段没有下文的悲伤爱情竟然在珊妮的努力下尘埃落定。跟音乐、爱情和人生有关的种种,让珊妮与董东的相遇愈发神奇。千丝万缕中,是否每一种爱都能开花结果? 他们能否找到继续爱这个世界的理由?
The series begins when suspected human remains are uncovered on Whitney Marsh - Jess and Sunny are immediately called to the scene, abandoning their evening plans to Jess’s husband’s chagrin. Dr Balcombe’s analysis reveals that the remains are relatively recent and suggest a grim conclusion the body was placed there already dismembered. With this insight, Jess and Sunny intensify their search certain that other body parts may not be far away. As the investigation unfolds, viewers are introduced to a diverse new cast of characters Melinda Ricci, an outspoken television commentator based in Ireland; Martin ‘Marty’ Baines, an autistic man living with his mother Dot in Deal, Kent; Asif Syed, an Afghan training for his UK citizenship test; and Juliet Cooper, a history lecturer and faculty head at a London university. While these characters live seemingly separate lives, they are intricately connected by their pasts. It’s up to Jess, Sunny, and their dedicated team to uncover these hidden links and ultimately expose the truth behind the cold case murder.
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