Walking home from work one night, Thana, a mute seamstress in New York City's Garment District, is raped at gunpoint in an alley by a mysterious, masked attacker. She survives and makes her way back to her apartment, where she encounters a burglar and is raped a second time. Thana bludgeons this second assailant to death with an iron. She then keeps his .45 caliber M1911A1 pistol, dismembers the burglar's body, puts the pieces into plastic garbage bags and gradually disposes of them in various locations throughout the city. She begins to have frequent nightmares and hallucinations of the first assailant stalking her, and her mental stability begins to dim. Thana is noticed by a man while she is disposing of one of the bagged body parts; retrieving the bag, he chases and frightens her. Fearing another sexual assault, she fatally shoots him. This event furthers her impulse for vengeance. Gradually, Thana transforms her appearance to bee a more and more seductive bait, and sets out to kill any man who annoys her. Near the end of the film, she dons a nun's habit and red lipstick to attend a Halloween party with her boss and co-workers. Her boss tries to take advantage of her and is killed; Thana then begins a shooting spree and targets all the men present. Finally she is stabbed by a female colleague.
青春究竟是用来挥霍的?怀念的?还是埋葬的?青春是每个人最美好的岁月,在我最美的时间遇见了最美的她。 我们一起经历着人生中无法重来、独一无二的第一次,我们一起欢笑一起经历着青春的锦瑟华年,或懵懂、或酸楚、或惋惜。在一次梦境中杨浩宇遇见了甄真,下定决心为她实现人生价值。 然而在求职道路上并不是一帆风顺,就在彷徨时他真的遇见了甄真,从此在追求爱情和事业的道路上摸索前行。 现实中被生活的打磨,为爱失去理智在职场的风云变化居心叵测中,让他陷入了死局,但是最终还是找到了自我,重拾青春······
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