不谙世事的千金小姐李世娜(张娜拉饰)自幼生长在富裕家庭里,优越的环境让她集万千宠爱于一身。出生在乡下贫穷家庭里的韩成宇(柳时元饰),是一位依靠自身努力白手起家的外交官。成宇有一个从小青梅竹马的恋人申允秀(明世彬饰),然而面对父母的期望与压力,成宇迟迟不敢对允秀表白。成宇的前辈徐镇熙(李贤宇饰)是一个不重感情的花花公子,一直放荡不羁的生活着。 冥冥中,这两对年轻男女的爱情在上天的安排下交织在了一起。在允秀随镇熙去了日本嫁给他之后,痛失所爱的成宇居然在包办婚姻下娶了世娜为妻。本来就身处两个世界里格格不入的世娜和成宇,他们的结婚之路更是争吵冲突不断。
When struggling bookstore owner Mary and the bad boy of professional hockey, Adam, are teamed together to help facilitate an image makeover for the other, they soon realize that opposites attract and they find themselves unexpectedly frozen in love. 当苦苦挣扎的书店老板玛丽和职业冰球的坏男孩,亚当,联合在一起来帮助促进其他的形象,他们很快意识到,异性相吸,他们发现自己竟然已经相爱。
代理人Neil Shaw站出来为他前导师的谋杀案辩护,这把他与一场涉及出卖,而又致命的腐败案件绞在一起。在他的朋友和参议员竞选人的安排下,他开始摆平这件事。但是当越来越多的人相继死去的时候,Shaw意识到他只是一个诱饵......
1990年,韩国总统卢泰愚发起“与犯罪的战争”,在釜山警方的严打中,黑帮幕后人物崔翼贤(崔岷植 饰)因拘禁企业家落网,由此揭开了他游走于黑白两道的传奇故事……1982年,时任监督科公务员的崔翼贤在肥的流油的海关如鱼得水,但上司在遭到举报之际将崔翼贤推出背黑锅。前途晦暗的崔翼贤孤注一掷做起对日的毒品生意,得以结识了同族的黑帮大哥崔炯培(河正宇 饰),以崔氏望族出身自豪的崔翼贤很快与崔炯培结为同盟。二人凭借各自的人脉和暴力,在釜山的黑道世界创出天地。1985年,崔翼贤受企业家所托,入股夜总会与崔炯培里应外合将釜山黑帮头目金坂虎扳倒,崔氏黑帮蒸蒸日上之时,翼贤与炯培的关系,在混乱的时代洪流中出现了裂痕……
讲述了罕见罪犯出狱后,以200亿韩元悬赏金签订公开杀人契约的故事。 赵震雄饰演白重植,一名警察,他必须保护十恶不赦的罪犯免受寻求赏金的公民的侵害。刘在明饰演出狱13年后的杀人犯金国浩,金武烈...
Pong acted as Pummared like the title of this lakorn. The story was about Pummared whom seeking revenge of his family enemy daugthers his dad's old business partner. Pummared's father had a partner in hotel business but they broke off with bad dispute and due to Pummared's father bad management his business collapsed so he tried to borrow money from his ex-business partner but he didn't want to lend him money instead took over the hotel and made Pummared's father became paralysed on both legs. Pummared came to Bangkok when his dad's ex-business partner was dead and came to his funeral pretending that his father was the family friend. Pummared's father ex-business partner had 3 daugthers. The 1st one was Ning, the head of the family good for handling business matter but lousy when it comes to relatioship and socialized with people. The 2nd one was Noy, the strong-will and easy going person who socialized a lot and good in handling matters. The youngest sister was Noi, naive and innocent never know about outside world,love, and lack of confidentlity because she just staying at home and the best she could so just cooking at home. Pummared seduced these 3 sisters, the eldest sister was easy to seduced since she was yearned to be loved, the youngest also easy to seduced because she didn't know what love is until she attracted with Pummared even though she knew that Pummared already with her eldest sister she's willing to be his mistress. Noy was difficult for Pummared to win over because she was smart and not easy to fall for a guy, Pummared was being challanged to win her heart and he fell in love with her because of her behaviour compared to her 2 sisters.When Noy found ot that Pummared was her eldest sis's boyfriend she was very angry and had an argument with her eldest sister because she told her that he was not a nice person but Ning refused to believe her blinded by her love to him. Noy left home insisted couldn't live in the same roof with Pummared. Noy knew from his father's ex-lawyer whom Ning fired because he warned her about Pummared that Pummared and his dad were not decent people that they had motive to get involved in her family business. The fact was Pummared tried to take control of the company for his father's sake but less he knew that his father was the bad guy who tricked his son to pursue his personal ambition and he liked to gamble. Pummared married Ning and soon after Ning gave him power of her company on their wedding day then he showed his true color and didn't want to sleep with her but left to Noy's place but she didn't accept him, later on he ran away from everything. Pummared also impregnate Noi (the youngest sis) who fell head over heal to him and still didn't realize her mistake loving wrong guy.Ning realized her mistakes marrying a wrong guy and Noy reconciled with her. One day Ning knew that Noi was pregnant with Pummared, she's angry and jealous so when Pummared came to her house to talk over with Noi she wanted to shoot him but instead shoot Noi to dead, Ning went berserk hence Noy became all alone. Pummared realized his mistakes and his father misdeed and he wanted return everything to Noy however his father accidentally shoot him. He returned the shares to Noy and admitted that the only person that he truly loved just Noy he refused to go to the hospital and died in Noy's arms. Noy loved him and cried, she just couldn't accept because the way he mistreating his sisters.
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