An adventure of the soul. JOSEPH is a young, painfully shy writer in the waterlands of South Carolina. After robbing a rural juke joint with two lower-class buddies and joy-riding up the coast to Myrtle Beach, his journey becomes a quest for strength and courage.
The Story is purportedly based on real-life incidents which took place in the 1980s
20世纪20年代的美国好莱坞,声色犬马,光怪陆离,醉生梦死。你方唱罢我登场,梦里寻欢,不知归处。默片时代造就了杰克·柯那德(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)和华裔女演员朱菲(李丽君 饰)这样风华绝代的明星,也吸引着如墨西哥裔曼尼·托瑞斯(迭戈·卡尔瓦 Diego Calva 饰)、金发女孩内莉·拉罗伊(玛格特·罗比 Margot Robbie 饰)、黑人小号手西德尼·帕尔默(约翰·艾德坡 Jovan Adepo 饰)争先恐后趋向这个物欲横流的名利场。默片时代的最后一抹余晖敛去,有声时代造就了一批批的新星,也在逐渐淘汰如杰克乃至内莉这样一度如日中天的名宿。 鼓乐喧天,歌舞升平,纵情欢歌的人们,永远无法看到那些默默退场的身影……
《GOOD GIRL:谁洗劫了电视台》(朝鲜语:GOOD GIRL : 누가 방송국을 털었나)为韩国Mnet推出的音乐综艺节目,从地下Rapper、现役偶像到人气歌手,10位不同类型的韩国顶级女子H...
Johannes Klare is the senior, charismatic preacher of an unofficial, self-supporting fringe church in Stuttgart, aided by his devout, devoted wife Lydia and her ex-con cousin Bernd Trampe. Finding juvenile homeless busker Simon Rützel, who talked sense, by the way but refusing to be taken to hospital as ODd junkie, the childless couple take him in their home and start to think of him as a lost son. Rich parishioner Volker Reiche offers to privately finance the herd's dream of a community center, but Johannes grows suspicious of his agenda. Discovering Simon's homosexual nature, Johannes decides against throwing him out and must admit the exorcist is a gross bigot. In Lydia's weekend absence, Johannes succumbs when Simon rightly guesses he suppressed his own gay lust for years, but comes clean to Lydia, where-after Simon is driven to relapse and the couple seeks to rescue their lives and vocation after the 'mortal sin' gets known.
Vacation turns disaster when Houston grad, Kyle and her friends escape a plane crash in the desolate Louisiana everglades, only to discover there's something way more dangerous lurking in the shallows.
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