2157年,人类文明得到全面跃升,战争、饥饿、贫穷早已不复存在,自然界再次复兴,人类的潜能得到极大开发,并且开始向天外星系延伸。22岁的青年马克西姆·卡梅尔(瓦西里·史特帕诺夫 Vasiliy Stepanov 饰)正独自驾驶飞船进行宇宙旅行,却突然遭到陨石碰撞,继而坠落在一个偏远的殖民星球萨拉什上。由于飞船迫降后完全坠毁,马克西姆只得独自踏上旅程,寻求帮助。萨拉什荒凉破败,杳无人烟,其文明与地球相比似乎也落后了好几个世纪,专政是这颗星球的主导。对从小养尊处优的马克西姆来说,这里的一切都如此新奇,而他也不知不觉扮演了革命者的角色…… 本片根据Arkadi Strugatsky和Boris Strugatsky的科幻小说改编。
LIFE ON TOP is a new erotic television series exploring the sex-filled adventures of four young women striving to make it in Manhattan. Sophie, an ambitious but naïve business school graduate who just broke up with her college boyfriend, moves to New York intent on making her mark at a venture capital firm. She's shocked when she arrives at her older sister Bella's fabulous city apartment and discovers that gorgeous, confident and outgoing Bella is also a very successful and much in demand erotic model with plenty of scandalous secrets to reveal. But Bella, who is not as tough as she seems, is also facing the reality of the limited lifespan of her beauty-obsessed profession and yearning for a more stable and meaningful relationship with that one special person. While Sophie is still burdened with some old-fashioned ideas about sexuality, she's also envious of Bella's glamorous, liberated girl-about-town lifestyle. And then there's all those beautiful new people she'll get to meet. There's so much more to learn about life and love from an ever-expanding group of vibrant, sexually-charged girlfriends and the men who hover around them. LIFE ON TOP is based on the upcoming St. Martin's novel by Clara Darling.
过气明星苏西·派克斯(Suzie Pikles,比莉·派珀 饰)的手机被黑客入侵,对她来说极为不妙的图片被公诸于世。一旦生活的假面具被摘走,人是否能在“被彻底扒干净”的状态下存活? 本剧聚焦苏西与她最好的朋友和经纪人娜奥米(Naomi,Farzad 饰)试图将生活导回正轨的艰辛历程,她想要保持事业继续发展,而与丈夫柯布(Cob,Ings 饰)的婚姻开始变得岌岌可危。
故事讲述身为现代女生的高丙丙,却十分笃信”前世今生”,常常穿凿附会,把自己当做「七世夫妻」的转世女主角,并相继与童年和学生时期的两位男主角重逢。这一女两男,高丙丙与王朕/王诺争吵不休,与李如龙考验不断… 丙丙傻了!难道白马王子另有其人?命中注定只是闹剧一场?
毒液和埃迪(汤姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)迎来至暗时刻。一边是人类神秘组织的穷追猛打,一边是外星共生体大军入侵地球,他们一心同体,花式解锁海陆空作战新形态。面对两边的疯狂追捕,这对亡命搭档将被迫做出毁灭性决定,为他们的最后一舞拉下帷幕
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