18世纪上半叶,日本正处在德川幕府时代。只能向将军贡献腌萝卜的蕞尔穷藩汤长谷藩刚刚完成一年一度劳民伤财的参勤交代,藩主内藤政醇(佐佐木藏之介 饰)原打算好好休息一下,谁知幕府老中松平信祝(阵内孝则 饰)获悉汤长谷藩发现金山,因此他设计迫使内藤必须于五日之内再度参勤,否则 将以谋反论处。明知这是一场处心积虑的阴谋,但是内藤还是决定铤而走险。在善于出谋划策的家老相马兼嗣(西村雅彦 饰)以及户隐流忍者云隐段藏(伊原刚志 饰)等人的协助下,汤长谷藩的绝命参勤正式展开。与此同时,狡猾的松平信祝接连派出密探,企图阻止内藤主从的行程。 前途多舛,内藤藩主能否成功颠覆松平的阴谋呢?
Paris, 1315. The Tour de Nesle, a guard tower on the banks of the Seine, has become a symbol of mystery and fear. Each morning, at its base, the bodies of handsome young aristocrats are found floating in the river, all butchered by sword or arrow. One evening, two noblemen, Buridan and Philippe d'Aulnay, find themselves in the infamous tower, lured there on the expectation of a night of unbridled passion. Little do they realise that they are to be the next victims of a woman who is determined to take revenge against all men - Margaret of Burgundy, the present Queen of France. Although Philippe is killed, Buridan escapes, and intends to blackmail the Queen. Unless she makes him her prime minister, he will expose her crimes to Philippe's brother and her husband, King Louis X. When she moves to eliminate Burdan, Margaret makes a terrible discovery... In the twilight years of his long and pretty uneven career, the great avant-garde film director Abel Gance made a number of films which, whilst not as grand and artistically inspired as his early silent masterpieces (La Roue (1923), Napoléon (1927)), still compared very favourably with the work of his contemporaries. Of these, La Tour de Nesle is a film that still stands up remarkably well today - an ambitious historical drama based on the famous 1832 play by Alexandre Dumas. It makes a nice companion piece to Gance's subsequent historical romp, Cyrano et d'Artagnan (1964). Needless to say, the film isn't to be commended on its historical accuracy. As any historian will tell you, the Alexandre Dumas version of French history is wildly fanciful, to say the least. However, this doesn't prevent La Tour de Nesle from being an entertaining and, at times, highly poignant, piece of cinema. Whilst the characterisation and dialogue leave much to be desired, the plot (a murky tale of cruel revenge and political intrigue) is gripping, and the film's artistic design is exceptional for a film of this period. Gance brings a strangely expressionistic touch to his use of colour and shade, something which adds to the darkly sinister nature of the plot, whilst imbuing the film with a striking sense of historical realism. A propos, Gance's assistant director Nelly Kaplan makes her screen début in a small role, shortly before she herself embarked on a successful film making career.
Nuer,一个大猛攻,他是清迈一个大象营老板的儿子,是北方那嘎达的纯爷们,他有一个认识了四年的亲密好友 ,Nuer也有女友了。Porch由于不喜欢女生,Porch的爱情不像其他情侣那样那么容易…
在一个漆黑的夜晚,阿杰(董子健 饰)、小波(王俊凯 饰)、彤彤(迪丽热巴 饰)等三个年轻人盲打误撞来到了一个名为“解忧杂货店”的破旧小屋。他们闯了进去,却意外发现这里的时光不仅似乎停滞,而且仿佛停留在遥远的1993年。正在这时,一封信从投信口推了进来。写信的人似乎有各种各样的烦恼,而小波他们不知不觉扮演起人生导师,字斟句酌为烦恼之人写下回信。门的另一边,内向的画家浩博(秦昊 饰)、北漂摇滚青年秦朗(李鸿其 饰)、功成名就的女企业家大晴美(郝蕾 饰)与三个素未谋面的年轻人建立起了跨越是空的心灵交流…… 本片根据日本著名推理作家东野圭吾的同名小说改编。
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