作家梅尔文(杰克•尼科尔森 饰)是一个脾气古怪的强迫症老头,没有家庭也没有朋友,整天关在屋里写他的第六十二部小说,生活如时钟般精准,受不了一点的打扰。 梅尔文的邻居西蒙(格雷戈•金尼尔 饰)是年轻的同性恋画家,养了一条可爱的小狗,生性活泼,脾气温和,经常受到梅尔文的侮辱。 梅尔文每天只出门一次,到同一家餐厅吃饭,餐厅女招待卡罗尔•康奈莉(海伦•亨特 饰)是唯一愿意而且能够为他服务的人。离了婚的卡罗尔与儿子斯潘塞住在一起,斯潘塞患有严重的哮喘病,这使得许多对卡罗尔有意思的男子知难而退。 一天,西蒙的住所遭到抢劫,西蒙身受重伤,住院前,将小狗托付给梅尔文照料,梅尔文渐渐喜欢上了这个小家伙,心理也发生了变化,开始关注周边的世界,主动帮助别人,认真审视自己对卡罗尔的好感……
Kato is an aspiring screenwriter treading water. He spends his days pitching stories to offbeat agents and executives who are anything but impressed. Not that he has run out of ideas, they just don’t seem to go anywhere. Unlike his relationship with his girlfriend Zigzag – that one is going down the drain. Little does Kato – or anyone – know that life is about to take some seriously weird turns. While out to buy the special brand of food for his girlfriend’s dog Cerberus, Kato discovers an abandoned convenience store that transforms his trajectory. A stumble into a refrigerator catapults him into a realm of fantastical inspiration boosted by an eccentric couple he meets along the way. Might this be the key to getting his mojo back? Miki Satoshi (Adrift in Tokyo, What to Do with the Dead Kaiju?) returns with a surreal and quirky indie film that manages to be both charming and deeply philosophical. Teaming up with Japanese cinema expert and notable critic for The Japan Times Mark Schilling (Art, Cult and Commerce: Japanese Cinema Since 2000), Convenience Story takes you on an eccentric Dantean ride brimming with psychological tension and the zest of karma. From the purgatory of writer’s block, to a hell of an adventure, Kato’s journey is a satisfying and thoughtful tale. 源自:
《苍穹浩瀚》第六季暨最终季会接着讲述太阳系中重燃的战火:马尔科(Marco Inaros)及其麾下的“自由海军”继续向地球和火星投掷小行星、引发灾难;剑拔弩张之际、重创威胁之下,罗西南迪号的船员们面临考验;克里斯金(Chrisjen Avasarala)再出妙招,派遣前火星海军陆战队员波比(Bobbie Draper)执行秘密任务,试图力挽狂澜。与此同时,德鲁默(Drummer)与她幸存的家人们从马尔科身边叛逃之后,在小行星带间疲于奔命。在星门之后,某个遥远的行星上,一股新兴力量开始崛起……
Contemporary Prague – social decay is inevitable. Prostitute Romi’s failures at work and elsewhere drive her to enthusiastically pursue other options. Is she heading for salvation or damnation This courageous film from a director most often associated with box-office hits marks another shift in his varied creative career.
马东灿(池昌旭 饰)是一位非常优秀的节目制作人,他策划了一档冷冻人类的企划,并且作为嘉宾参与了这个企划。在节目方案中,马东灿和女嘉宾高美兰(元真儿 饰)将进入冷冻胶囊被冷冻24小时,可在节目进行期间发声了意外,冻有两人的冷冻胶囊和负责研究此项目的黄博士(徐贤哲 饰)竟然一起消失了。 这一晃眼就是二十年过去,当马东灿和高美兰从冷冻中苏醒时,他们还是被冷冻当年的模样,但周围的亲戚和朋友们却都已经年长他们20岁了。马东灿当年的女友罗河英(尹世雅 饰)如今成为了报告局的局长,她坚信当年的节目事故是有人故意而为之。
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