着名烂片系列的最终章《最后的鲨卷风 The Last Sharknado: It's About Time》将在8月19日播出,片中地球已经被摧毁,因此Fin得时间穿梭至第一起鲨卷风事件,从根源阻止这群会飞的鲨鱼。
朝鲜战争打了三年以后,美帝国主义不得不座在了谈判桌上。但敌人是不甘心失败的,经常派特务越境收集我方情报,三八线上成了第二战场。美军戴维斯上校(道洛霍夫 饰)准备派遣间谍到北朝鲜找日本潜伏特务山本太郎(张展望 饰)取回002情报。甄别再三,他把任务交给了乔三(王运庭 饰)和崔春生(裴有犹 饰)。因为崔在日本特务机关受过训练,且他又是朝鲜人,还被特务机关洗过脑。俩人越境找到山本太郎,拿到002情报,在返回的途中,崔腿被打伤,躲进了阿妈妮家中,言谈中被阿妈妮发现了破绽,崔春生打伤了阿妈妮(王伯玲 饰),俩人落荒而逃。最终落入我志愿军和人民军之手。经证实,崔春生竟是阿妈妮的儿子......©豆瓣
高速公路上的猫源于一句谚语,用来形容注定不会长久的事情。乔凡尼(安东尼奥·阿尔巴内斯 Antonio Albanese 饰)是那种典型的知识分子,每天读书看报认真思考人生,始终相信人和人之间能够拥有真正的信任,互相融合。莫妮卡(宝拉·柯特莱西 Paola Cortellesi 饰)和乔凡尼恰恰相反,身为超市收银员的她每天都要应付不同肤色和不同人种的客人们,常常感到焦头烂额,对人和人之间的沟通感到非常悲观。 上帝开了一个小小的玩笑,这两个八竿子打不到一起的人,他们的儿女却被牵上了红线走到了一起,得知了这一段恋情的两人由衷的希望它能像高速公路上的猫那样,尽早结束。©豆瓣
Anna is 60 and her acting heyday is now behind her. She lives on her own but has a friend and confidant in her downstairs neighbour Michel, who is also single. Reluctantly, Anna accepts a job as a language coach for 17-year-old Adrian who has a speech impediment and is something of a misfit. She recognises him as the boy who recently snatched her handbag in the street ... “Irresistible” is the term that springs to mind when describing this light-footed and humorous story of an impossible love affair between a thief and a lady. Director Nicolette Krebitz handles the fragile balance between the dictates of society and the heart with great care. The fresh breath of freedom blows through a narrative that makes room for a nod to old West Berlin, some gentle teasing of Germany’s French neighbours, and even a ghost that is chased away to make way for new possibilities. But most of all, A E I O U is a passionate love letter to Sophie Rois and, perhaps through her, all the brilliant actors neglected by an industry all too fond of young blood. Well, it turns out that these young players, embodied here by newcomer Milan Herms, not only look up to their more experienced peers, they truly love them.
A few years before he went on to make a big splash in the cannibal sub-genre, Ruggero Deodato directed this successful rip-off of Roman Polanski's brilliant Knife in the Water. Naturally, being an Italian film - there's more of a focus on sex than the relationship between the central couples, but the claustrophobic atmosphere and entertaining characters help to keep the tension... (展开全部) A few years before he went on to make a big splash in the cannibal sub-genre, Ruggero Deodato directed this successful rip-off of Roman Polanski's brilliant Knife in the Water. Naturally, being an Italian film - there's more of a focus on sex than the relationship between the central couples, but the claustrophobic atmosphere and entertaining characters help to keep the tension bubbling over, which ensures that the movie is interesting for the duration. The film doesn't have nearly as much 'bite' as Cannibal Holocaust and most of the rest of Ruggero Deodato's filmography, but it's obvious that even with this early film; Deodato is a director with the potential to make a mark on cinema. The plot is simple in that it just focuses on two couples. George and Silvia invite Irem and Barbara for a weekend cruise on their yacht. It soon transpires that George isn't the most sensitive man to ever live, and Silvia doesn't seem to mind him treating her badly. The situation escalates, and Irem and Barbara join forces with Silvia for vengeance against George...and three way sex, of course.
原本是上季FOX以put pilot(指试映集要在电视网播出,否则要给罚款)加独占罚款金抢下,但最终没开发成功。讲述一个家庭里有一个需要特别照顾的小孩,他们很懂得照顾他时的挑战,但更擅长的是……做出新的麻烦。Jake Kasdan及Melvin Mar为执行制片。 Minnie Driver 扮演Maya, 深爱自己的小孩,会用激烈手段维护自己失语症小孩JJ的妈妈。为了帮JJ找到合适完美的学校,不停地搬家。 John Ross Bowie 扮演Jimmy,一个为了家庭辛勤劳动一整天,回家还为家人提供欢笑的父亲。他让Maya持家成为家中的话事人,不过他也是Maya与孩子间的磨心。 Cedric Yarborough 扮演Kenneth, Bronxville High的管理员。因为Maya对他把学校的轮椅道同时当作垃圾车装卸的滑坡的行为非常不满。 ...
在一望无际的大海上有两艘渔船,主人是一位年过花甲的老人(全成焕饰),他依靠两艘船谋生,陆上的人们来这边钓鱼或看风景。老人和一位少女(韩业云饰)一起生活,她是10年前老人在岸上捡到的,此后少女再没有上过陆地。老人等着少女年满17岁时就会与之结婚。 来钓鱼的男人们经常想占女 孩的便宜,老人为保护女孩不得不用利箭来警示对方。一天,和父亲一起来钓鱼的大学生(徐智锡饰)在船上为神秘的少女所吸引。老人觉得事情不妙,每天监视少女并不允许她靠近大学生,而16岁的少女也逐渐对外面的事物产生好奇。大学生得知女孩儿将要和老人结婚,就决定带上少女逃到陆地……
Versailles, 1667. Louis XIV a 28 ans. Pour soumettre la noblesse et imposer définitivement son pouvoir absolu, il entreprend de transformer Versailles… comme on tend un piège. Ce jeune roi, hanté par le traumatisme de la Fronde qui avait vu les nobles se rebeller contre la royauté, se révèle un stratège politique hors du commun, machiavélique et manipulateur. Il invente Versailles pour éloigner les nobles de Paris, les garder sous son contrôle, et progressivement faire du château une prison dorée. Il est aussi capable de passions romanesques ; mais comment les vivre quand on est le plus grand roi du monde Les personnages historiques et fictionnels, du courtisan le plus en vue au plus humble serviteur du roi, nous guident dans un monde de trahisons et de secrets d’alcôve, de manœuvres politiques et de déclarations de guerre, révélant Versailles dans toute sa gloire et sa brutalité.
阿莱克斯(休•格兰特 饰)是一个八十年代过气流行乐歌手,近年好不容易逐渐获得更多的演出机会,更得到流行天后Cora邀请他写歌并合唱该曲。但此刻阿莱克斯碰到了创作瓶颈,多年没有作曲之余,而且从来没有过作词的经验,现在却要在几天内作出一首畅销的流行曲。 就在阿莱克斯十分烦恼时,他遇到了苏菲(德鲁•巴里摩尔 饰),这个美丽的女孩精通运用文字,随口唱出的歌词让阿莱克斯十分满意,多次邀请苏菲才答应与阿莱克斯一起合作。但苏菲一直困在前一段失败的感情中,她害怕承诺。当她与阿莱克斯的感情逐渐升温的时,两人却要一起面对分歧……
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