Old miss Marple is on a train ride when she witnesses a murder in a passing train. She reports it to the police but they won't believe her: since no body can be found there can't have been any murder, right? As always, she begins her own investigation. The murder was committed while passing Ackenthorpe Hall and miss Marple gets herself a job there, mixing cleaning and cooking w...
繁华的国际大都会香港闹市中心,口若悬河的洪家宝(陈百祥 饰)带着傻乎乎的小弟麦交(邵国华 饰)公然行窃,结果路上遭遇妙龄女郎嘉嘉(张艾嘉 饰)举报。虽然两人百般抵赖,但在最后关头漏了马脚,被警察关进监狱。令洪、麦意想不到的是,嘉嘉居然是监狱的辅导官,所谓冤家路窄,洪家宝真是窝了一肚子火。二人所在的牢房狱霸横行,为了逃出对方魔爪,他们不惜羞辱监狱长官。经过一段时间牢狱之灾,二人和狱中认识的伙伴冠仁(胡大为 饰)出狱。谁知他们死性不改,骗吃骗喝再度锒铛入狱,这次又撞上了有着一副好皮囊、爱装警察的小混混荣仔
高中生齐藤卓巳(永山绚斗 饰)的家境优渥,无忧无虑。在参加某动漫展的活动上,他结识了热爱Cosplay的家庭主妇冈本里美(田畑智子 饰),二人的人生由此发生改变。里美婚后多年从未生育,婆婆言语刻薄,不留情面,丈夫又全然不为自己着想,难以依靠。许是这份令人透不过起来的巨大压力,让里美和卓巳发展成一段不伦之恋。她喜欢将彼此打扮成动漫人物,沉浸在短暂而虚幻的快乐中。卓巳一度因同学松永七菜(田中美晴 饰)的原因向里美提出分手,可终究无法忘怀这个这个在他心中留下烙印的女人。他们越缠越深,命运的彼方也愈加黯淡…… 本片根据女性作家窪美澄的同名小说改编,并荣获2012年日本电影旬报十佳影片第七名。
克里奥佩特拉希望自己的生活中能充满更多冒险。之后,她被吸入到一个传送门中,这扇传送门将她送到了30000年后一个由猫统治的埃及主题星球。在那里,她发现自己是未来世界的预言救星。 为了完成自己的使命,克丽奥佩特拉被送往一所精英学院,在那里她认识了新朋友。同时,她必须接受严格训练来对付坏人,弄清楚如何最终使自己回到埃及,还要面对高中生活的起起伏伏。
Mavie is 27 years old and has just moved to the French capital from the provinces. She dreams of a future as a writer but is plagued by doubt and uncertainty. 76-year-old misanthrope Georges runs a bookshop in Paris – or has he merely been forced to take refuge there to escape his past? These are two peculiar creatures indeed. Georges is cynical and no longer expects much from ...
We're transported back to the tropical island of Saint Marie, and this time with a new Detective Inspector in place - but will DI Mervin Wilson remain in the job for long Following the recently cracked case of ‘who shot the Santas’, along with the revelation that his estranged mother has passed away, Mervin is ready to get back home and leave the island for good. But when a case close to the hearts of those at the station presents itself, is he tempted to extend his stay As Mervin continues to ruffle feathers, the police team pull together to solve some of the island’s most confounding cases yet.
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