陆昊(赵顺然 饰)一直希望能够成为一名出色的刑警,于是刚刚大学毕业的他自愿申请进入重案组工作。在重案组,陆昊遇见了身为组长的周远(郭晓东 饰),周远实际上是一个善良的男人,但他不太会表达关心,因此常常和陆昊产生矛盾。
某外企高管老郭(郭涛 饰)的婚姻进入七年之痒,一心扑在工作上的他和妻儿疏于交流,而事业也进入了困顿起。老实木讷的小编剧岳伦儿(王岳伦 饰)饱受欺凌,软弱无能,此刻也经历着来自家庭和事业的双重压力。英俊帅气的模特亮子(张亮 饰)奋力打拼却没有出头天,家庭琐事更令他不过气来。三个痛苦难耐的大男孩在田教练(田亮 饰)的建议下前往韩国参加一个名为“帝王假期”的旅游活动,谁知竟遭遇了国际大盗Jimmy Lin(林志颖 饰)的搅局。 没有放松,没有言语,只有险象环生、惊险刺激的各种冒险,性格各异的爸爸们在异国他乡夺路狂奔……
舞蹈演员帕克小姐获得了《名利场》杂志举办的封面女郎大赛冠军。而漂亮的她也被迫要做出一个选择:或者嫁给一位富有的制片人而成为百老汇的明星,或者跟着她深爱的男人丹尼呆在布鲁克林一家小小的夜总会里……而丹尼也很痛苦,后来他去参军,帕克则面临嫁给了制片人,但她并不快乐,她知道,最终她还是要跟自己真正爱的人一起生活。 在《封面女郎》(Cover Girl 1944)与另一
Recipient of the 2007 Golden Globe Award for Best Drama Television Series and multiple Emmy nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series for the past two years, "Grey's Anatomy" returns to the ABC Television Network for its fifth season. Is "happily ever after" possible for Meredith Grey and Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd? With Meredith experiencing a breakthrough in therapy - the realization that she and Derek can be extraordinary together, rather than ordinary apart -- she and Derek now face the highs and lows of being a committed couple. Continuing their first year as residents at Seattle Grace Hospital, Meredith, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev have interns of their own to mentor, including Meredith's half-sister, Lexie Grey. Lexie has become a roommate and confidante to George O'Malley, who, after divorce with Callie, a breakup with Izzie, and learning that he failed his residency test by only one point, is striving to get both his professional and personal life back on track. After attending to his girlfriend Rebecca's mental illness on his own, and revealing that he had gone through this with his own mother, Alex finds solace in Izzie's arms. Alex must continue through this difficult time, whether or not Izzie remains by his side. Cristina, having finally won out over her tough-as-nails mentor, Erica, is back on track as a surgeon - but is there a chance for new love in her life as well? With the encouragement of Mark "McSteamy" Sloan, Dr. Callie Torres has taken a chance on love with cardiothoracic surgeon, Erica Hahn; now, she and Erica must figure out what happens after the first kiss. Overseeing the residents is the no-nonsense Chief Resident, Miranda Bailey. Facing marital troubles and the difficulty of balancing her work and personal life, Bailey has handed her responsibilities as head of the free clinic over to Izzie. Also striving for balance is Chief of Surgery, Richard Webber, who has reunited with his estranged wife, Adele. The doctors of Seattle Grace Hospital deal with life-or-death consequences on a daily basis - it's in one another that they find comfort, friendship and love. Together they're discovering that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white. Real life only comes in shades of grey. "Grey's Anatomy" stars Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey, Patrick Dempsey as Derek Shepherd, Sandra Oh as Cristina Yang, Katherine Heigl as Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, Justin Chambers as Alex Karev, T.R. Knight as George O'Malley, Chandra Wilson as Miranda Bailey, James Pickens, Jr. as Richard Webber, Sara Ramirez as Callie Torres, Eric Dane as Mark Sloan, Chyler Leigh as Lexie Grey, and Brooke Smith as Erica Hahn.
Breeders Season 3 starts with Paul having moved out and staying at Leah’s house. He should be lonely but the simpler life has its appeal. Meanwhile, Ally has her own problems with work, her early menopause and her increasingly strained relationship with her newly adolescent daughter. Gallows humor and large glasses of wine only go so far in quelling the angst...
人类和众多外星种族共同生活在一个名为千星之城阿尔法的繁华星际大都市,数百年来,千星之城阿尔法成为各族群和平共处的美妙天堂,它繁荣昌盛。韦勒瑞恩(戴恩·德哈恩 Dane DeHaan 饰)和洛瑞琳(卡拉·迪瓦伊 Cara Delevingne 饰)被选择成为阿尔法的守护者,他们俩是警卫部的执行人员,被任命去拦截一种稀有物品的交易。这种稀有物品与一个本该在数十年前就消失的稀有族群存在神秘的关联。然后他们来到了巨大的千星之城阿尔法城,这时他们的指挥官Arun Filitt(克里夫·欧文饰)在指挥中心遭到绑架,这对搭档开始意识到手中物品的不寻常价值。二人追寻凶手,发现自己身陷一场正在发酵的星际事件中……
任职于金融机构的周定发(周润发 饰)。他分别认识了做空姐的Sally(叶倩文 饰)跟开时装店的祖儿(王祖贤 饰)。周定发面对两位天姿国色都无法下决定,难舍其一,于是分别在英国及法国跟两女子结婚。婚后他们回到香港,周定发在好友志雄(李子雄 饰)的帮助下努力周旋与两个老婆之间,笑料百出。可是事情到了后来都是让两个老婆知道了真相,Sally与祖儿气愤不已,打算联合起来报复周定发。©豆瓣
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