本片根据1932年罗伯特·霍华德的漫画《剑上的凤凰》改编而成,是《蛮王柯南》三部曲的第一部。 在地球蛮荒时期,一切以武力来解决争斗。远古大陆上,两支兵强马壮的部落军队正在进行厮杀,而其中有一位勇敢的战士率领自己的部落获得了战争的胜利,他就是蛮王柯南(杰森·莫玛 Jason Momoa 饰)。得胜归来的柯南受到了部落的爱戴,他诛杀可怕的怪物,为部落开拓疆土,但一场阴谋正在谋划当中…… 超自然的邪恶势力正意图侵蚀柯南的部落,它控制部落里的心腹,整个部落惨遭屠杀,连柯南的父亲科灵(朗·普尔曼 Ron Perlman 饰)也未能幸免。意外活下来的柯南,将穿越西伯利亚冰原寻找盟友的帮助,他身负血海深仇,将用最原始、最野蛮的方式,为自己的父亲和同族报仇……
Three-part series by Michael Cockerell going behind the scenes at Whitehall
在一间朴实无华的日本餐厅中,几名食客因为对于特定菜品的钟情而建立了一种简单而深刻的心灵之交。 食堂的灯又亮了,善良的老板抚慰着新食客的心灵,也让常客感到温暖无比。
From the hit series "Daria" comes her first movie, "Is It Fall Yet?", immediately following season 4 of the show. The movie follows Daria and the students of Lawndale High over their summer vacation. Kevin and Brittany become lifeguards, while Quinn and the Fashion Club all get a tutor, David, who Quinn (surprising even herself) has her eyes on. Mack drives an ice cream truck while Jodie is swamped with volunteer work. Daria and Jane have had a fight over Tom, Daria's boyfriend and Jane's ex, causing them to go separate ways for the summer. Jane goes off to an artists' colony where she meets a fellow artist Alison and big-headed instructor Daniel, self-proclaimed genius. Meanwhile Helen volunteers Daria's service at Mr. O'Neill's summer day camp, the It's OK To Cry Corral, with only hoping-to-be-enlightened Mr. DeMartino for company. There, Daria tries to reach out to troubled Link, a 12-year-old version of herself, all while battling self-doubt and slight resentment towards Tom and his wealthy elitest family. It's going to be a long summer... Written by Adam Spradlin {WdstkSCAH8@aol.com}
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