未婚夫达也(张国荣)在香港死于一场交通意外后,瞳(常盘贵子)以为自此失去幸福,生活质量开始大幅滑坡。为了兑现曾与达也在香港许下的承诺,她勉强收拾心情只身来到伤心城。同瞳一样,香港警察家宝(张国荣)也有一段伤心往事,他曾因工作狂热导致女友无法忍受冷落自杀身亡。女友死后,家宝选择做了卧底,想以更加狂热刺激的工作来麻醉和折磨自己。 瞳遇到家宝后,因为家宝与达也长得一模一样,疑惑达也还在,内心又起美丽的憧憬,两个因爱受伤的人擦出烂漫火花。
此次姆明电影版由北欧各精英联手打造。除性格影星斯卡斯加德携子倾情献声外,冰岛女神比约克(Björk)将担任电影音乐制作。影片将由芬兰公司Oy Filmkompaniet制作,这也成为北欧国家制作的第一部全3D影片。 (以上转自mtime.com 详细信息请移步)
The main character, a young surgeon (avid consumer of red apples), excellent professional, inflexible with respect for moral norms, are in a constant struggle with indifference and ignorance of his fellow men, with their littleness of soul, the director of the hospital obtuseness and careerism.Red Apples exactly expresses the conflict between talent, professional dedication, respect the Hippocratic Oath, the protagonist came face to face with mediocrity, sufficiency and careerism of brothers who, at any cost, want to move into professional and social ladder. Rise young doctor Mitica Herod assigned to a provincial hospital, the doctor makes Mitroi prototype capped professional character, to see jeopardized the director of the hospital. Mitica (enthusiastic, charismatic and convincing in the role of actor Mircea Diaconu) makes no compromises in relation to his superior, which always reminds him of his mission, the function they represent. Ignore the so-called "social conveniences" and not compromising in addressing hospital and patients. Well-meaning and lucid, ready for personal sacrifices, he believes that the world has only one real enemy: death, which, unfortunately, it always fails defeat."I was preoccupied, primarily, grammatical problems of the profession. It is true, perhaps the film has a kind of enthusiasm that I have not found then. I wanted to be a human story and I think it came out as such. and that is true not consider it a merit, but a prerequisite. I never wanted to do "red Apples" true or less true. I did as I felt. "Alexander Tatos
美国青年艾许(布鲁斯•坎贝尔 Bruce Campbell 饰)在和女友琳达(布丽切特•方达 Bridget Fonda 饰)度假时,偶然发现一本《死亡之书》。书中记载各种神秘的丧葬风俗以及招魂仪式,更为诡异恐怖的是,这本不应该存在于人间的书具有十分强大和邪恶的魔力。为与之斗争,艾许失去了女友和自己的右手,但最后还是体力不支,被《死亡之书》带到600年前的中世纪。他奇怪的穿着一度被骑士们当作间谍抓起来,经过一番波折,艾许决定帮国王打败《死亡之书》幻化出来的怪兽,这也是他回到现代社会的唯一办法……
富家子张泰林(张智霖 饰)在偶然之下结识了俏护士邝美宝(刘心悠 饰),两人堕入爱河,但其后泰林却逐渐发现美宝的另一面:多疑、善妒、控制欲强兼有轻微的暴力倾向。泰林难以忍受提出分手,但依然受到美宝的跟踪。美宝在医院偶遇泰林前女友慧欣(苟芸慧 饰),得知泰林不为人知的秘密,而此时泰林与母亲介绍相亲的女孩晴晴(叶熙祺 饰)的关系越加亲密。一次巧遇,美宝与泰林公开对质他的秘密,原来这场疯狂爱情才刚刚开始……©豆瓣
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